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   m o n o b a n d        C  H  A  I  N     R  E  A  C  T  I  O  N

[ Zepnaya Reaktziya - in russian ]



W e l c o m e!

     Didn't you hear what is «monoband»? I'm too. Well, how take type of  band, where nobody… except me of course. The word «project» is trivial. After think up this linguistical new formation, I decide entitle the monoband. Near my city Rostov-on-Don (Russia) builded nuclear power station. So «Zepnaya reaktziya» (Chain Reaction - in English) appear.

Well, present you:

Name: monoband «Zepnaya Reakziya»,
Burn: 1993 year,
Fatherland: Rostov-on-Don (Russia),
Gentre: synthes-rock (electronic)

                               That is all, bye. Yury Korzunov.






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